Make sure relaxation is the only thing on your mind when you apply in advance for your visa. Apply as early as possible keeping in mind the average processing times and the intended date of travel.
Preparing for your dream vacation can be exciting and scary at the same time. Here are a few things to keep in mind when for your visa to visa application experience.
• The Canadian government processed over 435,000 new study permit applications from January to June 2023, representing a 49% increase over January to June 2022.
• Over the same period, more than 280,000 new study permits were issued to international students looking to study abroad in Canada.
• We expect Nigeria to surpass 40,000 study permits issued in 2023 and solidify its position as Canada’s second-largest source market.
• 60% of all new study permit applications were approved from January to June 2023, up three percentage points from full-year 2022.